Finding Annabelle’s voice

At the age of two, Annabelle’s speech and communication was that of a 10 month old and she was diagnosed with cognitive, speech and communication delays. By the end of that year, she started Early Intervention, and by the following summer, she was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Annabelle had her own way of communicating. Her mom, Catie, had an “Annabelle Dictionary” in her notes app, translating her very own language. When Annabelle started in SPIN’s Early Intervention class, she could barely talk and experienced many meltdowns throughout the day. With the help of SPIN’s teaching team and therapists, Annabelle exceeded her goals and made incredible progress! Annabelle went from being primarily  non-verbal to talking everyone’s ear off, and her mom credits this to Ms. Colleen, Mr. Jacin, and all the other staff who helped. Annabelle would not be as far into her journey without the care, love and support from her family and the team who believed in Annabelle’s possibilities. Mom is so grateful to the SPIN team for taking care of Annabelle, loving her and helping her grow. Annabelle has found her voice and it is perfect!