Congratulations to our Points of Transformation Award Nominees and Awardees!

PHILADELPHIA (Friday, September 21, 2018) – Philadelphia Intellectual disAbility Services (IDS), a division of the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services, celebrated the accomplishments of eight members of our SPIN family for their work supporting people with intellectual disability at the Points of Transformation Awards on Friday, September 21. Congratulations to SPIN nominees Michele Felix – Employment Nominee; Kim Mormello – Early Intervention Nominee; and Amanda Stuhl-Cultural Arts Award Nominee, as well as Kaitlin McMorrow – Support Coordination Nominee from Partnership for Community Supports for all of your great work. Special congratulations to SPIN awardees Tara Abrams – Habilitation Awardee; Bee Cooper – It’s All About Community Awardee; Bernie Council – LifeSharing Awardee; and Monica Lewis – Residential Awardee. We are so lucky to have you as such valuable members of our SPIN family.